I have been the worst blogger ever. I've been so busy because I'm moving tomorrow! I can't believe it!
Yesterday I went to the surgeon's office for my last appointment there in a while and I got the ok to start chewing! Very exciting! After the appointment, my mom and I went shopping and I ate a blueberry muffin! I had to pick it apart in tiny bits but it really wasn't that weird to eat it. Then, my family and I went out to dinner to celebrate me being able to eat again! We went to a tapas restaurant and I got scallops and then this delicious dish with avocado and crab and shrimp. I'm definitely going to eat a lot of avocados, they were so easy to eat.
This afternoon, I'm going to my orthodontist's office for the first time since my surgery. I don't really know what they are going to do besides take X-rays, but I really hope they take off my surgical hooks and give my a little indication of how much longer I'll need braces.
Here's some current photos! I'll post more in a little. I've been working on a list of jaw surgery tips and advice but I'm not finished with it yet so I'll post that later.
I can finally move my face |